Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida Primary – Before the Count

I suppose I should say something about the vote going on in my home state. Florida is a microcosm of all Americans; seniors, Hispanics, young, blue collar, white collar, black, white, military therefore who wins is not quite as important as why they won and who voted for whom. For instance:

  • Did the senior citizens vote for McCain? Or did they vote for a younger man since they know the mental and physical strains on someone in their 70’s?
  • Did Huckabee get the ultra conservative vote even though he had few TV ads?
  • Exactly who is voting for Romney – older, younger, conservative etc?
  • Since Florida has a heavy military presence that frequently need to vote absentee ballot, did they help out Rudy or did they go for McCain?
  • Although the votes don’t count, was there a heavy turnout by Democrats or did they stay home?
  • Of the Democrats who did vote, did Barack still get all the black votes?
  • Did the large Hispanic population continue to vote en mass for Hillary?

I guess we will find out in the next 10 hours. The smart candidate will take advantage of this knowledge to give him an edge next week on Super Tuesday.

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