Monday, January 21, 2008

Florida Madness

All eyes are on Florida now and before I go any further I should tell you that I am a Floridian. Not only do I call Florida my home, but I have lived and traveled all over the country and I have never found a place that I love as much as my home state. This puts me in the minority since much of the nation feels superior to my state and many northerners outright despise the south and Florida in particular.

Although it has been eight years, this presidential race is bringing out the bitter feelings many liberals have towards Florida. In fact I was talking to a Yankee this weekend and mentioned how some people are still upset over the role Florida played in the 2000 election. Without missing a beat my liberal friend immediately replied “Well, of course.”

I suppose you could say that for the first time since the Civil War, the north actually lost to the south and it is still driving them crazy. And now to further show our independence, Florida is having its primary when it wants it, not when others tell them. And this too, drives people insane. So to punish the state for this and past transgressions, the Democratic National Committee is not going to count any of the 210 Florida delegates in the convention.

Excuse me? How stupid can they get? Let me get this straight. In 2000 the vote in Florida was so close that it ended up in the courts. The Democrats have since conveniently forgot that all of the recounts showed that Bush won. Nonetheless they still blame Florida for the loss. So you would think the Democrats would be catering to Floridians in order to get their votes this time.

But nooooo. Instead for the past eight years they continuously insult my state. Oh yeah, there’s a good strategy – win over new votes by telling the voters how stupid they are. And now they are “punishing” Florida Democrats by denying them their voice in picking a candidate by stripping them of their delegates! Not only that, but in accordance with the DNC decision, last I heard none of the Democratic candidates are campaigning in my state. As if this will motivate the Florida democrats to get out and vote come November for a candidate that is basically forced on them. I don’t think so. But I must admit it sure is fun watching these liberal yankees go crazy over us "stupid" Floridians!

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