Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tom Cruise Video

I was going to use this as my post in a few days but I am afraid that it might be pulled since there is a cease and desist order on the video. Until it is pulled, if you haven't seen the Tom Cruise video everyone is talking about here is a link to it: and click on the line that says Tom Cruise.

When I first saw the whole thing I kept expecting him to stop, then start laughing (like a normal person) and say it was a joke. Instead the joke is on us and it shows that Cruise is far from being a normal person. Wow. It reminds me of the beginning of Jerry Maguire when he rants and raves except this is real life and he truly believes it all. As for why he did the video I have heard two stories; one that it was to be used for recruitment or that it was to be shown at a Scientology awards show (for other Scientologists). After you watch you'll understand why they didn't want it released.

I did like the one comment by someone who saw it - "Run Katie Run". I can also now understand why Germany won't allow Scientology to build a "church" there. Anyway, here is the video that Scientology didn't want anyone to see.

1 comment:

  1. Verrrry interesting.

    I must admit, I wasn't shocked - I was bored to death! WHAT is this guy on? He sounds like some doped out hippie form the 60's!

    He could work as an announcer for PBS.

    Diamond Jim
