Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Hampshire Primary

It was fun to watch the New Hampshire primary results as all the broadcasters and pundits backpedaled as they tried to explain why Hillary was winning instead of Barrack. Many attributed it to her crying a few days earlier. (More on that on a later date) I attribute a lot of it to her message, including her Christmas ads.

I noticed, as did many of the pundits, that Clinton’s speeches were all about “I” whereas Obama’s were all about “You”. Clinton’s Christmas ad was a perfect example. It showed Hillary underneath the Christmas tree and talking about each of the presents. With each gift she would say what she wanted “to give” to the American people; better health care, better day care etc. etc. It was the same liberal spiels of having government take care of everybody from cradle to grave. She was selling the idea of a “Nanny state” with Clinton as the head “Nanny” helping the people. Not surprisingly, Clinton got the votes of the lower income, single Moms and senior citizens; people who historically want and need more from the government and typically expect the government to take care of them.

Obama, however, gives beautiful uplifting speeches about “You”. What you the people can do to help yourself and the country. If Hillary is the “Nanny” then I would call Barack the “Motivational Coach”. He received the votes of the younger, better educated and upper income people. Not only do they need less government handouts but they are excited by his inspirational speeches and want to help those less fortunate. I have yet to hear if Barack polled lower in the African-American community but I would assume Hillary got more of their votes. I have an idea why this would be true, but that is for another time. Edwards is out of it except as a means to upset Hillary such as with a possible win in SC. As for a nickname, well, I suppose he has to be the “Beauty Queen”.

In the Republican primary I must admit to being stumped over McCain since I personally do not like the man. As for who might win, there is no telling yet. But don’t count Rudy out yet. He just might win Florida; he at least is bombarding the state with ads and appearances.

And continuing the fun of “naming” the candidates, if Barack is the “Motivational Coach” and Hillary is the “Nanny”, then what about the Republicans? I suppose McCain should be “Grandpa”, but there is probably something better. Romney and Huckabee are easy since they should be the “CEO” and the “Preacher”. Rudy reminds me of the “Gunslinger” vowing to clean up the town and keep out the bad guys. As for the rest of them, Ron Paul has to be the “Kook” and Fred Thompson, well, I am stumped. If anybody has a better idea for McCain and one for Fred, send it in. It never hurts to add a little fun into the serious business of electing our next President.

1 comment:

  1. I vote to move the "Grandpa" moniker to Thompson...have you HEARD him speak? I snooze during his sound bites!

    McCain? How about Republicrat? Other option would be Zombie as he has certainly risen from the dead....

    How about my man Mike B from NYC?? Now there's some fun in the mix!!
