Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Fight Within A Fight

The other day while listening to Kerry come out in support of Edwards I had one of those “duh” moments when you realize an obvious truth that had previously eluded you. This race for the Presidency is also a fight over who will dominate the Democratic party.

For the past sixteen years Bill and Hillary were the major forces in the party. It was their party. They were the major fund raisers and the key to the Hollywood players. They truly felt that Hillary was entitled to be the next President. They knew their might be major competition from the Republicans, but are shocked that they face a substantial fight for their own ticket.

Obama came out of nowhere and has quickly become a challenge to Hillary. In the past her strategy is to demonize the competition but since Obama is African American, he is almost untouchable. She tried to attack his youth but so far that hasn’t worked. In the past week she and Bill have both tried to show that in spite of his lofty speeches he is not the next Martin Luther King. But that backfired as black leaders such as Sharpton and Jackson, who had previously been on the side lines, stood up to defend Obama.

Kerry’s backing of Edwards might have been another pivotal moment within the Democratic Party. Shortly after that, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano who had previously been an appointee during Bill’s presidency came out to support Obama. Even though Arizona is a small state it is still a set back for the Clintons when a former appointee of Bills and one of the few high level women are not supporting Hillary.

What also is notable is who hasn't declared their support. The black leaders haven’t yet supported Obama but they took first steps this week after the Clintons attacked him. The other key person who hasn't declared is Al Gore. The fact that he hasn't come out yet in support of Hillary is not surprising yet still is sending a subtle message.

To have a woman and former Clinton appointees now throwing their support to Obama is the sign of a major crack in the Democratic Party. Additionally, there is a growing murmur of anger and even disgust over Bill Clinton. He is starting to hurt Hillary more than help lately and in fact becoming more and more an embarrassment for his party.

So it will be interesting to follow the fight with a fight and perhaps watch not only Hillary’s defeat but perhaps even the end of the Clintons dominance within the Democratic Party.

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