Sunday, January 27, 2008

Democratic Debacle

In the South Carolina primary, I read that not only did Obama get twice the votes as Clinton, but he got more votes than the total number of Democrats who voted in the primary four years ago. Wow.

I almost feel sorry for Hillary. Basically every four years some brave (and extremely egotistical) people go through extreme job interviews. I suppose you could say that our elections are the biggest and best Reality TV show.

We have all had jobs where we did everything right in order to get promoted. And when the job you wanted opened up you knew you were the best person for that job. But instead of promoting you, they hired some young hot shot because the company thought they needed “change” to help turn the company around. To make it worse, the new guy was African American so if you criticized him too much it just made you look like a racist.

Anyone who has been passed over for a promotion, especially if it went to a minority who is less experienced, can understand why Hillary is angry and frustrated. But whatever empathy she might have gotten was hurt by the Clinton’s vindictiveness and not so subtle racist overtones in South Carolina. Yes, Bill was the one making the accusations but you know he wouldn't do anything without Hillary's approval. And if she and Bill got that nasty in order to try to win one state I can’t imagine what the next ten days will be like until Super Tuesday where they will try to win in more than 20 states.

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