Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thank You!

Just out of curiousity I signed up for a service that tracks how many people are visiting my blog. Since the only way before this service to tell if anyone read my blog was through the comments and there were a decidedly lack of those making me wonder if anyone read it. So after seeing that even a handful signed on to my blog yesterday, well, I feel like Sally Fields who giggled at the Oscars "You like me, you really like me!".

Now that I know that even a few of you are checking me out I promise to have new posts at least every other day. Granted the political circus going on definitely gives me plenty of material. but you give me the incentive to keep going.

So thank you and I hope I can continue to amuse, irritate and give you a reason to keep reading PC Fugitive. And please keep telling your friends about it. Thanks!


1 comment:

  1. Bring it on! Will hopefully have more time to add to the debate.
