Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Mean Season

Insults are flying. Characters are assassinated. Even looks are fair game to be attacked. Ah yes. It’s that time again when people can’t get enough of the sometimes irritating but always entertaining – American Idol. Sure the Republicans candidates were anxiously awaiting the returns from the Michigan primaries and the Democratic candidates went at it again in yet another debate last night. But who cares when we can watch Simon insult yet another group of would be singers.

I have always believed that the attraction of American Idol was that it allowed us to live vicariously through both Simon Cowell and the contestants. In the stifling atmosphere of today’s political correctness Simon is the only one saying what we all think at times but would be afraid to say. Be honest, wouldn’t you love to be able to say some of the things Simon said to your significant other? Or at work tell the unfiltered truth to your coworkers or your boss? And as a manager I know I would have liked to have spoken as freely as Simon to some of my employees! Instead we continue to live through Simon knowing that no politically correct HR person is waiting around the corner to get him for the things he has said.

At the same time we delight in the insults that are flying we also start to cheer for those with true talent. To watch the young singers grow professionally over the weeks and to know that for at least one of them they will actually get a chance at the American Dream of fame and fortune.

Perhaps in the increasingly negative attacks by the presidential candidates we need American Idol more than ever. It gives us a place to enjoy the insults without the potential of splitting the country apart. And as we vote for our favorite singer we know that only a reality show winner is at stake and not the future of our nation.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU! I needed some rational talking points to justify why, at 44 years old, I'm still hooked on this show. Whew!
