Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Huckabee and Hllary - A Fearsome Twosome

All eyes are watching the outcome of the Iowa caucus and straw poll. I don’t know who will win but I know who I don’t want to win – Huckabee and Hillary. Looking ahead to the general election this fall I can’t think of a more polarizing twosome than those two. Hillary vs. Romney, Huckabee vs. Obama even Edwards vs. McCain, actually any other combination is manageable but the choice between Hillary vs. Huckabee will split the red and blue states even further apart.

If liberals have never liked Bush and still refuse to accept him as the president and commander in chief can you imagine their reaction to a former evangelical Baptist minister? Even moderates have a problem with this man who once defamed gays and who said that woman should be subservient to their husbands. Plus true conservatives have a problem with his stands on many issues ranging from immigration to fiscal management.

On the other hand, there is Hillary, whose very names makes conservatives want to run screaming. According to the New York Post’s January 1, 2008 edition a USA Today/Gallop poll shows that Hillary’s negative ratings are now at a whopping 52%.

It’s one thing to disagree or even dislike another party’s candidate but Huckabee and Hillary generate true hatred and even fear of what would happen if elected. A general election pitting these two against each other could very well tear the country apart.

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