Sunday, January 13, 2008

Short Retort

In this week’s column for the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan mentions a website that everyone needs to read. Called, it is a vitriolic attack against Obama. This website is filled with ominous articles crying out about “scandals”, “bribes”, “kickbacks” and accuses Barack of everything from typical dirty Chicago politics to gay bashing. You get the feeling that if Hillary’s popularity declines again her campaign will dip into this website for new attacks. And a nasty campaign will reach new lows. But hats off to whomever came up with the website name. It cleverly makes her sound younger than Obama and what woman wouldn’t want to be 44 for the rest of her life? But hopefully if more people read this website they will finally learn just how corrupt she is and let’s hope, no let’s do more than just hope, that she will never be “44”.

1 comment:

  1. Thought of your blog while watching th NBC news tonight(1/17/08). Big story on "dirty tricks" being played on McCain but no mention of any other candidate.
    I wish Fox would offer a 1/2 hour daily news update in the evenings.
