Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stupefyingly Dull Debate

Was it me or was the debate last night mind-numbingly boring? When I first gave up and changed channels to American Idol I thought perhaps my lack of interest in the debate was due to the fact that my state had already voted. I told myself that if I was part of Super Tuesday then I would be more interested in what McCain and Romney were saying.

I lied. No matter how I looked at it that debate was boring. Actually it was worse than that. It bordered on being stupid. I finalized realized what it reminded me of when I saw the so called “highlights” this morning.

While watching McCain and Romney I kept seeing two little boys quarrelling over whose is bigger. It was just that petty. At times I wouldn’t have been surprised if they got into a pushing and shoving match all to prove who is the most “Republican” while knocking down the other guy’s claim to being the next Reagan. But instead of throwing punches they were hurling statistics at each other. Boorinngggg…

I can only hope the debate tonight with Hillary and Barack will be better. Then again, it couldn’t be much worse.

1 comment:

  1. One of my co-workers said Romney was so boring he reminded her of Al Gore...ouch!
