Monday, January 7, 2008

Immigration Irritation

After listening to the debates I am tired of being told that we need to be compassionate to the illegal immigrant’s children. That it isn’t their fault that they are here illegally and they shouldn’t be punished if their parents bring them here. Instead the politicians tell us that it is humane to educate the children who are here illegally and provide medical aid.

Bullsh*t. What about our kids? Our own children are getting short changed due to the increase of illegal immigrant children flooding the schools. If we sent even a fraction of illegal aliens back to their own homes then the teacher – student ratio would dramatically improve. We wouldn’t have to worry about bi-lingual classrooms or lowering educational standards to help the young immigrants who didn’t even get the basics in their homeland.

The same is true with medical help. Hospitals in border states are overrun with illegal immigrants using their limited resources. Again, our own citizens are often hurt when after helping the uninsured illegal immigrants these hospitals become bankrupt and close.

If the education and medical care is abysmal in their homelands than wouldn’t we be punishing these children by sending them back? Probably. But that should be their parents concern, not America’s. Why don’t those parents take the energy and deviousness used to get in to the USA and instead use it to better their own country? As for those Americans who think we should help the children, wouldn’t it make more sense and cost a lot less to go to their country and teach them and build hospitals there instead of subjecting the children to what can be dangerous or even deadly trips to get here?

Throughout all of the debates I have yet to hear anyone mention any of the above. Romney comes closest to these ideas while Hucklebee, Giuliani and McCain still preach compassion. Maybe I am cruel and uncaring but we need to save our compassion for our own U.S. children, which does include immigrants who are here legally.

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