Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 - Time to Denounce Global Warming?

Thanks to Diamond Jim for bringing the following to my attention. I feel it is so memorable that I didn’t want it just tucked into a Comment but as its own column that everyone should read. The article Jim referred to was “In 2008, a 100 Percent Chance of Alarm” by John Tierney;

At first glance this article in the NY Times on January 1, 2008 appeared to be another Global Warming rant. Then I took a second look. Wow. Did the earth shift on New Year’s Eve? Could the NY Times actually contain an article not only doubting Global Warming but even include facts disputing it?

Ironically, my very first column was on the power of the Main Stream Media (MSM) to not simply report the news but to make news. John Tierney quotes scientists who use the same argument in regards to Global Warming. One key line is “Once a cascade is under way, it becomes tough to sort out risks because experts become reluctant to dispute the popular wisdom, and are ignored if they do.” Tierney then quotes scientists and articles, that have been ignored by the MSM, which dispute Global Warming .

Is the NY Times once again making news by now questioning Global Warming? Could I hope that this might be the beginning of a cascade against the effects of Global Warming and the “science” of Al Gore? Dare I dream that in the not too far future people will chalk up Global Warming as just another outrageous statement by Al Gore, the man who also claimed to create the internet? Maybe 2008 will be a good year after all…..

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