Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Florida Primary - After the Count

‘- For weeks the MSM have been touting McCain, saying he’s been resurrected, his campaign is now booming, polls show him ahead etc., while at the same time denigrating the competition (Rudy is out of it, nobody likes Romney etc.). Human nature, being what it is, wants to be associated with a winner. Now that McCain has won Florida and is the likely Republican candidate, that same MSM are starting to question if he is too old and will it be another Bob Dole fiasco in November? Were the Republicans played by the MSM into a possibly losing proposition this fall?

‘- Hillary is such a bitch. There is a candid picture from Bush's speech of Obama with his back turned on Hillary as she is reaching out to his shake hand. I think Obama is too smart of a politician to snub her like that so I believe him when he said someone behind him had called out and he turned to talk to her and didn’t see Hillary. But last night someone asked Hillary about it. She gave this smug little smile, shook her head sadly and replied “My hand is still out there waiting to be shaken.”

‘- Florida’s decision to hold their primary against the parties wishes turned out to be a brilliant move. It not only separated itself from Super Tuesday but just might have been a “king maker” by forcing two major candidates to drop out.

- Bye Bye Rudy and Edwards, we hardly knew thee….

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