Monday, January 14, 2008

Attack Makes Barack Black

Sorry but I couldn't resist that headline. But it is true. Barack had been accused of not being "black enough". He didn't talk "Black", dress "Black" or act "Black". He did not look or act like the prior African American polititians such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. But once the Clinton's started attacking Barack and even Martin Luther King they. made race an issue. Many of the African American leaders stepped forward to defend Barack even though just a few days ago those same leaders were staying on the sidelines.

It is ironic that President Clinton had once been called the first "Black President" and was strongly supported by the African American community. Perhaps that is part of the problem, not only is Obama challenging Hillary but he is also threatening to take away Bill's image as the first Black President.

I am sure the Republicans are secretely gloating over the liberals fighting over racial issues. And I am also sure that they hope it continues right into the Democratic Convention because the more it tears apart that party the better the chance the Republicans have next November.


  1. A little "off topic", but here's my choice:

  2. Aren't there enough New Yorkers running already? Besides, didn't Rudy do more for the city (Times Sq for instance)then Bloomberg? And doesn't Bloomberg have the reputation of taking away voters rights? Not to mention he can't make up his mind what he is - Dem, Rep or Ind. Sorry but not sold on this New Yorker...

  3. If Obama were elected would that make this country an OBAMAnation?

    Under Bloomberg there's initiative to take away rights (not privlidges, RIGHTS) like the right women have to breast feed if they so choose. Clinton allows that crap to happen, but doesn't do anything about killing an unborn child. You wanna protect women's/mother's rights. Start with something that doesn't involve murder.

    Another good blog. Keep up the good work.

  4. Mani,

    Thanks for your comment. I agree with you about Bloomberg. Perhaps I will do a future blog on him. Meanwhile, I am so glad you like what you read and please share my blog with others!


