Friday, February 8, 2008

Thank You! (again)

Part of the fun of my new blog is not only writing it but then seeing if anybody out there is reading it. To my surprise not only are people reading it but they are coming back for more. And even more amazing, you are telling your friends for each day I get a few more new readers. So thank you for your loyalty and for passing the word.

To the new readers (I only know counts, not names) welcome to the PC Fugitive blog where political correctness is not allowed in. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and come back for more. And if you really like it please feel free to tell your friends. Although it doesn't really matter how many people end up reading this as I will continue to write about every other day even if only a few people check in.

Anyway, thanks again to my loyal group and to the new readers and I hope y'all continue to enjoy my blog.

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