Friday, February 15, 2008

Obama Phenomenon

It seems as if Obama is being carried by a tidal wave of adoration and gaining a momentum that Hillary might not be able to stop. There are reports of growing crowds wherever he goes as he mesmerizes all demographic groups: old, young, black, white, rural, suburb. I have even read of women fainting during his speeches as if he is the new Elvis or Beatle or Sinatra (pick your idol based on your generation). And yet….

Anyone who follows Obama and listens to him will agree that as wonderful as his speeches are they still don’t contain any substance. To learn more about him, I checked his website; To my surprise there was a link called Issues with discussions on his views starting with Civil Rights, Disabilities, Economy and ending with Rural, Service and Senior Citizens with many more in between.

So what are his views on the issues? Not surprisingly they are liberal and similar to Hillary’s programs. He wants a big government which will create jobs, take care of everyone and spend lots and lots of money. Where will the money come from? Us, of course and big business which once again is shown as being an “enemy” of not only “the people” but also an enemy of the environment. And yet……

His health care doesn’t mandate that everyone sign up for it. Unlike Clinton, he won’t force you to join his universal coverage. On immigration, he wants to secure the border and he supports a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens. On the economy he wants to Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families, Simplify Tax Filings for Middle Class Americans, Fight for Fair Trade and Amend NAFTA.

Some of his ideas on security include Protecting Our Chemical Plants, Keeping Track of Spent Nuclear Fuel, Reuniting Families After Emergencies, and Keeping Our Drinking Water Safe. And yes, Obama plans to stop the war in Iraq and bring home the troops. Yet he also wants to increase the army by 65,000 and the marines by 27,000 soldiers and he wants the Chief of the National Guard to be a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

That is just a brief example of Barack Obama’s ideas. I disagree with most of his environmental “global warming” plans but the ideas I just mentioned above don’t sound bad at all. In fact he sounds more conservative than McCain on immigration. It makes me wonder what people who have drunk his Kool-Aid and are blindly following him would think if they knew he is proposing these ideas. Then again that is probably why he never talks issues only hope and promises and glory for all in the future. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Fascinating column. Maybe we conservatives here in Texas should vote in the Dems primary (Republican seems a done deal) & cast our primary votes for Obama. I really don't trust him but he still sounds better than Hillary!
