Friday, February 8, 2008

Automated Help Desk - Update

On January 28 I wrote a long blog about my experience with Virgin Moble's Automated Help Desk. In a nutshell, I had recently purchased a Virgin Mobile cell phone and I added in some fun ring tones. Since then I was getting text messages about once a week telling me about new ring tones. I didn't want to get the text messages and wanted Virgin Moble to stop sending them.

I won't retell dealing with the frustrating "teen" automated help voice or to finally get a real person only to be told the messages weren't coming from Virgin Moble but from another source. Great. Since I had no idea who could be texting me I thought I would wait until it happened again. However, after reading my blog a friend asked me where I originally bought my ring tones. When I told him it was Virgin Moble's website I realized that the idiot clerk was wrong - the text messages were from them - and I was back where I started! But I just had no desire to try once again to tackle their Automated Help Desk or incompetent customer service clerks.

This morning I discovered that I got yet another text message. Luckily I was lunching with my friend so I did nothing and showed him the message at lunch. He first wrote down some numbers and said I should refer to these when I called Virgin Moble again. Then after playing with my cell phone for a few more minutes he handed it back to me and said he took care of my problem. I was amazed and asked how the hell had he fixed a problem I had spent so many frustrating hours trying to resolve myself? His reply? He disabled the text message function! Duh! (And no I don't want to use text messages so turning off the function was the obvious solution) Don't you just hate smart people who make you look like a fool?! :-)

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