Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Real Republican Outcome

It's just after midnight and I have been bouncing between MSNBC and Fox on the TV with CNN and USA Today on-line to get the results. Yet not one pundit, talking head or policy wonk has pointed out what I thought was an obvious result of Super Tuesday - how the conservative talk show hosts impacted the Republican primaries.

Why else do you think Huckabee did so well? It was due to these staunch conservatives who refused to give up to McCain or even Romney but instead stuck to their principles and urged their listeners to do the same. Good for them! And if the liberals thought Limbaugh and company were obnoxious before - I bet they'll be twice as bad now. Yet I wouldn't blame them if they lead their shows every hour on the hour by boasting how they affected Super Tuesday. And yet not a word from the MSM that these conservatives, who reach millions each day, might have gotten their message across and in doing so most likely have thwarted Romney's run for the presidency.

Super Tuesday has clearly shown that the conservative radio hosts and their legion of listeners are a force to be reckoned with. And even though I think McCain will get the needed number of delegates before the last primary, yesterday's primaries have shown that not all Republicans are his "friends".

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