Friday, February 1, 2008

Clinton Betrayal? Maybe Not…

When I first heard that announced that it would endorse Barack Obama I thought “Wow, what a betrayal for the Clintons”. I thought this since I vaguely recalled that was started during Bill Clinton’s presidency during the impeachment procedures as a means to tell Congress to “move on” to more important issues.

I was half right. Just for grins I actually dared to go to their website. Feeling like a traitor I quickly skipped over their “Campaigns, Success Stories, Donate and Sign Up” links and went straight to “About”.

Imagine my surprise when I read that in 1998 they launched an online petition to "Censure President Clinton and Move On to Pressing Issues Facing the Nation.". OK so it wasn’t a call for impeachment but I was still surprised that they even went for a censure before moving on.

So maybe their snub of Hillary isn’t exactly a betrayal after all.

And one more thing, considering MoveOn.orgs huge war chest and considerable influence she should start to be very worried….

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