Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weekly Update

A lot has happened in the past week. The following is a recap of recent headlines and my thoughts. Sorry if it is so long but I tried to keep it somewhat short by doing it in bullets and highlighting key thoughts to make it easy to go to things you are interested in. OK so it is still long but there really was a lot to say....

Democratic Update

  • Hillary has got to toughen up or else she will lose whatever credibility she has with men and independent woman.
    - I see today on the Drudge Report that Hillary has teared up again. This time over some sob story (literally in Clinton’s case) during a meeting in Maine. Maybe she was truly touched but she needs to suck it up because seeing picture after picture of her all teary eyed is not good for her and sends a wrong signal to our enemies. The terrorist already think we are a weak nation, can you imagine what Islamic terrorists must think if we not only elect a woman but elect one who has been seen crying on numerous occasions? Hell, what must our friends think about it?
    - I also think she got way bent out of shape over the recent remark about Chelsea. Yes it was rude for that MSNBC guy to say that she was “pimping” Chelsea by now sending her out on her own to campaign. But to not accept his or the networks apology and require that they suspend the guy and possibly even fire him is going overboard. Besides if Chelsea is going to be in the spotlight now and play with the big boys she ought to be tough enough to take the hits. And why was mama the one to cry foul and not Chelsea? Can’t she stand up for herself without running behind her mother? I also despise how the network is capitulating to her demands. From start to finish nobody looks good in this blown out episode.

  • ·Meet the Press discussed the implications of voter turnout which is showing that 12.9 million Republicans have voted compared to 19.2 million Democratic voters. This gives the impression that the Democrats will easily win in the fall since they have the numbers.
    - But CNN is reporting that only 27% of the population has voted in the primaries. This is very surprising considering the passion surrounding the Democratic race.
    - I also saw a very interesting number last night on either CNN or MSNBC. I can’t seem to find it but it was basically showing that Obama voters would vote for Clinton in the fall if Hillary was the candidate. But a large percentage of Hillary’s voters would not vote for Obama. This confirms my belief that her voters are very angry at Obama for not only challenging Hillary but actually having the audacity to beat her. Ironically her voters aren’t that much different then the ultra conservatives who don’t even want to show up if they can’t have their candidate.

  • Basically Obama and Clinton are too close to call in number with 1,108 delegates for Clinton vs. 1,049 for Obama according to CNN
    - Obama has taken more states including a complete sweep in the three primaries on Saturday but Hillary won more of the larger states
    - What is with these Super Delegates? If the Democratic race continues to be neck and neck could these unelected party hacks actually determine the Democratic candidate?

Republican Review

  • I don’t think it was a big surprise that Romney dropped out last week.
    - It’s nice to know that money can’t buy an election.
    - It was also a smart move for the long run. If the fall election is as bad as I think it will be for Republicans then Romney is removed from a nasty race and possibly humiliating loss. With no taint of a massacre then he will be free to run in 2012.

  • Huckabee can’t get the numbers to win yet all of the anti-McCain Republicans are converging around him as evidenced by his commanding win of Louisiana on Sat.
    - Has anybody wondered if Romney might throw his delegates to Huckabee and what that might do?
    - You may disagree with his conservative views but once you get past that and get to know him, he is much more likeable than McCain, which will help in the future races.

  • As Huckabee said, pending any “miracles” McCain will be the Republican candidate.
    - Will Ann Coulter and other conservatives be “suicide voters” and actually vote for the Democratic nominee in protest?
    - Although his loss last night must be somewhat humiliating as is his failure to get the needed delegates at least by having Huckabee stay in it keeps McCain’s name in the news. When Huckabee drops out then there is no reason for journalists to talk about McCain and he will disappear from the news while.

  • With McCain as the candidate will he ever be able to talk about anything other than the war? Or will the voters see the election as a referendum on Iraq, especially if Obama is the Democratic candidate? Again, considering the voters opinion of the war I wouldn't be surprised if McCain loses big time in November.

1 comment:

  1. Anti-McCain voters have a motivation to go to the polls to vote for Huckabee. With McCain as the presumptive nominee why would the average Republican Joe bother to make the effort to go to the polls and vote for him?
