Monday, February 18, 2008

Hillary's Trade-Offs

As the primary continues to unfold I can’t help but think about Hillary's life. People forget that it was Hillary, not Bill, who was the “rock star” when they first met. But she gave it all up to move to Arkansas and help an unknown lawyer run for governor in one of the most backwards states in the nation. Her friends were appalled by her decision. I can’t help but think of the song from Chorus Line “What We Do for Love”.

It wasn’t all terrible. Arkansas is in the boonies but being a governor’s wife isn’t a bad deal. Then there were the ensuing connections and how that helped her career (and checkbook). Bill might have strayed but Hillary knew he loved her and Chelsea, and he always came back. So she stayed and ended up in the White House. Again, not a bad trade off. Then he cheated there and this time publicly humiliated her and her child.

And still she stayed. Did she trade in her pride to keep her marriage? Did she make a bargain to use it as a stepping stone to the senate? Maybe. And I’m not sure I blame her. So over the last few years she quietly paid her dues in the senate, while her husband transformed himself from national joke to national statesman on par with George Bush the elder.

They were ready again as a team again to run for president – this time it was Hillary’s turn. And what happens? Another man blocks her way. Now all those years that Hillary stood by her man, its Bill’s turn to aid her in removing that one obstacle by using all the weight only an ex-President has. Except in just a few speeches Bill once again becomes an embarrassment and a hindrance and a national joke instead of a serious statesman who could have helped make her president.

I can’t help but wonder how angry Hillary must be at both of them, Barack and Bill. I can’t say I blame her. And if she is defeated by Barack I also wonder how long it will be before she divorces Bill and trades him in for a better deal. I can’t say I would blame her for that either.

1 comment:

  1. I don't feel sorry for her at all! She puts herself out there as some great feminist icon & yet she plays the oldest game in the book...marrying a man & staying with him so she can ride his coattails. She is cold, calculating & manipulative. I am really enjoying watching the ultimate control freak lose control.
    Texas Mom
