Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bio Brief - Nancy Pelosi - Part 2

Nancy Pelosi is a hypocrite and the worst kind of tax and spend liberal. The Speaker of the House has never worked a day in her life, she has never had to punch a clock, meet a payroll, manage a team or produce a product. She has never had to worry about her household money as she has a net worth (thanks to her husband) of at least $15 million and some put it as high as $95 million, she sent her children to private schools, and in addition to her home in the eighth district she also owns a million dollar house in DC, a vacation home in Napa Valley, and a condo in Lake Tahoe. Oh yes, she is just like one of us. And yet this extremely wealthy, non-working, insulated woman is the leader of the arm of government responsible for the budget, including funding the economic stimulus package! As Speaker of the House, which is in charge of creating the bills to tax and spend, she is in position to now enact her goal of redistributing everybody’s wealth (but her own of course!).

Pelosi’s far left stands are in lockstep with her extremely liberal district; San Francisco's eighth district, which is geographically the smallest district outside of New York City. How is it that a Representative from the second smallest district became the leader of all of us in the “people’s house”? Even more outrageous, Pelosi represents the same district which is infamous for being a sanctuary city for illegal immigration, providing free needles to drug addicts, allowing gay marriages and if Obama was not in this district then he was nearby when he made his “bitter” speech. Yet all of this pales in comparison to what I have found after digging a bit further into Nancy Pelosi’s past.

I discovered something very scary about this woman who is in control of the House. The Speaker of the House belonged to the Progressive Caucus and only stepped down as it is custom to not belong to any caucus or committee upon becoming Minority Whip and then Speaker of the House. According to a number of sources; “Until 1999, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the Democratic Socialists of America. Following an expose of the link between the two organizations in WorldNetDaily, the Progressive Caucus established its own website under the auspices of Congress. Another officer of the Progressive Caucus, and one of its guiding lights, is avowed socialist Rep. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent.” Another website,, included a similar quote but attributed to Wekipedia. It is interesting to note that any mention of the Democratic Socialists of America has now been scrubbed from Wekipedia’s page on the Progressive Caucus.

Wekipedia does, however, print the Progressive Caucus’s postions stating that they believe in: “universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare," fair trade agreements, living wage laws, the right of all workers to organize into labor unions and engage in strike actions and collective bargaining, the abolition of significant portions of the USA PATRIOT Act, the legalization of gay marriage, strict campaign finance reform laws, a complete pullout from the war in Iraq, a crackdown on free trade and corporate welfare, an increase in income tax on the wealthy, tax cuts for the poor, and an increase in social welfare spending by the federal government.”

In reviewing Nancy Pelosi’s official site and reading various interviews I could not find a single issue in which she deviated from the Progressive Caucus/Democratic Socialists of America stands. She even has a section in her official website called “Economic Justice” ( in which she discusses various issues which basically are calls to redistribute wealth. And this woman is now third in line for the Presidency. (Considering that Biden is second in line and you almost start to pray that Obama gets through the next four years…. )

Understanding her past with the Progressive Caucus also provides insight into a quote on Politico ( regarding Pelosi’s relationship with Obama: “She trusts him greatly because they share the same agenda and vision, but she always keeps the interests of the caucus in mind,” said a top House Democratic aide. "She has to move the process forward and is extremely strategic.” Does anyone doubt that this aide is referring to the Progressive Caucus?

At least when Bush was president he could keep this self-described progressive Speaker of the House in check. But now, with President Obama, who knows how far to the left the two of them, along with Harry Reid, will move our country?

(I had initially planned on just two parts but I am going to add a final Part 3 which will conclude with an overview of Pelosi’s hypocrisy within Congress and her own family.)

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