Although it is not true that her husband owns $17 million in Del Monte stock, the email making the rounds about her was correct in stating that she did get the American territory of Samoa exempt from the increase in minimum wage. And that Del Monte, which is headquartered in her district, has two packing plants in Samoa with around 5,000 employees. She also did get into trouble once by using government planes to travel to and from San Francisco and there was an incident over her paying her husband $100,000 for consulting fees, a practice she had voted to ban.
Pelosi’s hypocrisy is also evident in how she runs Congress. Remember her initial vow last year to have Congress work five days? That went out the window in the first week when she adjourned Congress on a Monday so that people could attend the national college football game! I’ve not heard much about that 5-day work week since then, have you? And last August, when gas prices were closing in on $5 the Speaker adjourned Congress for a five-week vacation without taking any action to lower gas prices while Republicans continued to debate the issue on the darkened House floor.
But the coup de grace of hypocrisy was last summer when Pelosi called Bush “a total failure” yet refused to acknowledge that Congress had the lowest approval levels of just 14% according to Gallup, ratings that were even lower than Bush’s! The same CNN article continued to report that a whopping 70% disapproved of the job Congress is doing. And while the Real Clear Politics poll shows that Obama has an average favorable rating of 61.8%, Congress continues to have a low favorable rating of just 27.3%.
Earlier, when I was googling on Pelosi’s husband, Paul, I turned up a lot about her son, Paul Jr. I looked at a few articles and discovered that that Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi is a real chip off the old block. An excellent article at http://valleywag.gawker.com/5113868/paul-pelosi-jr-the-fresh-green-prince-of-san-francisco highlights Paul Pelosi Jr. Here is just a sampling: “His LinkedIn profile is a bit incomplete. It discusses his investment-banking work for Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase. And it mentions his job at Countrywide, for example, where he worked as a loan officer — at one of the mortgage companies most scrutinized for its role in the housing bubble and ensuing collapse of Wall Street. But it pointedly omits his $180,000 a year job as a senior vice president at InfoUSA, a marketer of consumer databases, which he started less than one month after his mother became House Speaker, while simultaneously holding his job at Countrywide. InfoUSA CEO Vinod Gupta also paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars as a consultant…”
Did anyone ever mention during the mortgage crisis that the Speaker of the House’s son worked for the worst culprit, Countrywide? Now if a Republican Congressman’s son worked for them there would be outcries of conflict of interest but not a peep was said and this was the Speaker of House! As for InfoUSA, there is a definite trend of paying off the relatives of high ranking Democrats. However, I won’t comment any further as I was once a client of theirs, although perhaps paying off Clinton and Pelosi might explain the exorbitant prices they charged for their services!
Did anyone ever mention during the mortgage crisis that the Speaker of the House’s son worked for the worst culprit, Countrywide? Now if a Republican Congressman’s son worked for them there would be outcries of conflict of interest but not a peep was said and this was the Speaker of House! As for InfoUSA, there is a definite trend of paying off the relatives of high ranking Democrats. However, I won’t comment any further as I was once a client of theirs, although perhaps paying off Clinton and Pelosi might explain the exorbitant prices they charged for their services!
At the same time she and her family appear to flaunt the rules, she is currently working to repeal the Fairness Rules. Basically these rules, which were implemented by Newt Gingrich as part of his Contract with America, ensure that minority opinions are heard through open debate and alternative bills, and include a six-year term limit for committee chairmen. There is an excellent article about this in Human Events at http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30143&s=rcmp.

Add in her professed Progressive (read Socialistic) ideologue and this is a very scary picture of our Speaker of the House, third in line for the Presidency, isn’t it?
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