Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bio Brief - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

On Sunday, Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, emphatically stated that Gov. Blagojevich’s choice for Obama’s open Senate seat, Roland Burris would not be accepted by the Senate. Just three days later Reid changed his tune and will now accept Burris. So who is this man, Harry Reid, who is blundering his way into the new year as Senate Majority Leader?

Reid was born in a rural mining town in Nevada in 1939 making him 70 years old this year. I read in Wikipedia that he has held a number of positions in his home state, including serving as Nevada Gaming Commissioner from 1977 to 1981 a post that subjected him with death threats. After next serving two terms in Congress he was elected to the Senate in 1986. He was voted as Senate Minority Leader in 2005 and when the Democrats took control of the Senate became Senate Majority Leader in 2006.

I was very surprised to learn that the Democrats chose him as Senate Majority Leader considering his stance on some very sensitive issues. For instance, according to Wikipedia he is pro life and supported the ban on late term abortions. As an avid sportsman he is also pro gun voting against the ban on semi-automatic weapons. He voted for the Defense of Marriage Act saying that “marriage should be between a man and a woman”. And he supports a constitutional amendment to protect our flag. Not exactly the opinions one would expect from the leader of the Democrats in the Senate!

Reid, however, holds some very liberal views on other issues. Instead of describing them, I will let him speak for himself:

- On the Iraqi War: "This war is a serious situation. It involves the worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this country." February 18, 2007

- On the Surge: “I believe, myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense, and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday." April 19, 2007

- On Global Warming: “One reason we have fires in California is global warming.” October 2007

- On the Economy: “The urgency of this, everyone knows about. But I'm not going to have some false deadline, whether it's February 1 or whatever it is. I want to make sure that all senators have some input in what goes on here and do it as quickly as we can.” January 4, 2009

- On the new Capital Visitors Center: “In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true. ”December 2, 2008

- On Blagojevich: “"We determine who sits in the Senate. And the House (of Representatives) determines who sits in the House. So there's clearly legal authority for us to do whatever we want to do. This goes back for generations." January 4, 2009

- On working with the White House: “We are constitutionally empowered by the Constitution to have certain powers that are inherent in this body, and we want to work with the president. But they can't jam things down our throats.” Meet the Press December 5, 2004

Ok so I think that taken all together you get a pretty good picture of this man. I love the last quotes where he outright states that the Senate can do whatever they want as long as they are separated from the smelly tourists. What hubris! And as I read many articles written about him over the past five years there also appears to be a darker side to this man. There are numerous stories of corruption and hushed up scandals. Rumors have it that his family has made millions of dollars from bills Reid has endorsed, or earmarked including a very questionable $1.1 million land deal by the Senator, plus he was linked to the indited Jack Abramoff. There has also been a taint of racism throughout the years. This has resurfaced when he supposedly asked Blagojevich not to nominate three men for the Illinois Senate seat, all of whom are black.

And yes, he is a Mormon, which explains some of his conservative views. Although interestingly, he wasn’t born into a Morman family but rather he and his wife converted when they were in college. Hmmm. Here’s an interesting question. How is it that everyone knew that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was a Mormon yet this high level Democrat's affiliation with the Latter Day Saints is kept hush hush? And now that I think of it, how can the radical left, who are bitterly opposing Mormons due to their supposed influence in defeating Prop 8 in California, continue to support Reid and his leadership role as Senate Majority Leader?

After researching Harry Reid I am coming to the conclusion that he is the worst kind of politician – a self righteous, power driven, ethically challenged liberal. It is only a few days into the new year and already Reid’s ego and self powertrip has hurt him with this Burris situation. I wonder just how long he will be able to hold on to his leadership position, and who would win if he does go toe to toe with the new White House, which some of his previous statements indicated will happen. Only time will tell but it sure could be fun to watch!

So that wraps up my first Bio Brief. I hope you found it helpful in understanding one of the most powerful men in our country.

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