Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bio Brief - Introduction

This is an exciting time in Washington as the 111th Congress tries to get started amongst the chaos regarding the Illinois, Minnesota and New York Senate seats, the new 44th President starts in a few weeks and soon we will be inundated with Senate hearings as they approve Obama’s Cabinet selections. The news will be filled with the names of a lot of new people, some old people and some recycled people.

How much do you know about these men and women who will be charting the course of America for years to come? As much as I watch the news even I have to admit to a great deal of ignorance about many of these Senators, Congressmen and other key political figures. But who has the time to do any research about these men and women even though our futures are being determined by them? Well, actually, I have that time. So I thought I would introduce a new segment in my PC Fugitive blog: Bio Brief.

Every now and then I will do a very broad overview of somebody who has been in the news. I plan for my Bio Briefs to be the equivalent of Cliff Notes providing key facts for people who are too busy to google or wade through all the information on the internet or even in Wikipedia. By no means will I provide a complete biography. In fact I will probably tend to give information that I find interesting rather than an in depth analysis of somebody’s education or a detailed resume of past accomplishments.

I came up with the idea of Bio Briefs while watching the news this morning when I realized that I knew very little about Harry Reid other than that he is the Majority Leader of the Senate and is from Nevada. Among other things, I wondered if he was a Mormon, as they are a large part of the population in Nevada, in spite of this gambling state’s reputation. As I investigated Reid’s background it occurred to me that perhaps y’all might also like a quick overview of these key national and even international figures.

In the next day or two I will kick off my first Bio Brief on Harry Reid. Some of the names I am thinking of including in future Bio Briefs are Leon Panetta, the Clintonite now tapped to head up the CIA; Timothy Geithner, Obama’s pick for the crucial Secretary of the Treasury position; Mitch McConnell, the Republican Minority Leader of the House; Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister of Israel and Sayyed Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Council of Iraq and the leader of the SIIC, the largest religious group in Iraq. I am also open to any requests or suggestions of people who you would like to know more about but don’t have the time to find out for yourself. So send me a comment or email whenever you want me to review somebody.

I hope you will enjoy this new addition to my blog. And don’t worry, I’ll still be giving my opinions on everything else, too!

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