Sunday, September 28, 2008

Short Retort coverage of the debates is terrific and includes the following:
  • I have a Bracelet, too - Obama couldn't initially remember the name on his bracelet and I guess he can't remember that on a public radio interview, the father of the fallen soldier has asked Obama to not wear his son's bracelet. And yet Obama continues to wear it against the families wishes.
  • Kissinger - Old Henry is quite mad at Obama for twisting his words and has now stated for the record that he believes that McCain is right and Obama is wrong.
  • Al Queda Blunder - Much was made when McCain stumbled on a name but no one in the media has yet to discuss Obama's incorrect statement that "there was no Al-Queda" before 2003. Wrong...
  • AOL Poll - The media seems to have a blind spot when it comes to a recent AOL straw poll of hundreds of thousands of readers which showed McCain - 63% vs. Obama - 37%

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