Damon might have something there. It is like a Disney movie but he’s wrong that it is bad. The fascination with this story is that it ranks right up there with the greatest Disney movies. Sarah Palin encompasses the hope, the inspiration, the best of America. Her story is like a Disney film filled with the wholesome appeal of Horatio Alger’s rag to riches, can do attitude, which is what makes America so great.
Hopefully McCain will live well into his 90’s like his mother. Yet if something did happen, many people truly believe that this moose hunting, gun totting, mother of five, who just happens to be one of only 50 people running an entire state, could handle whatever is thrown at her. We know that in today’s complex world, a President can’t be an expert on everything. We don’t expect that. America has shown over and over again that we don’t want a political wonk or an intellectual. Instead we want a leader and motivator.
Americans crave for someone who will take action instead of calling yet more meetings and more studies. We want someone with street smarts, who can tell when someone, be it a foreign despot or a congressman, is lying or trying to pull a fast one on the American public. We want someone who knows how to be tough when it is needed. A President who will protect this great nation yet also knows the cost of sending a soldier off to war. It would also be a nice change to have someone in touch with Americans, who really knows what it is like to live on a budget, be it a state’s or a family’s and understands the day to day minutia of real life. Most of all we want someone we can admire, respect and who will make us proud of our President and proud to be an American.
That is Sarah Palin. She knows how to multitask, how to smoothly run an organization, how to delegate and how to tell if someone is lying to them. How do I know she can do this? Any working mother has to be able to handle these things or else they couldn’t function. Is she perfect? No, she even has family problems like everyone else. And that is part of her Disney like appeal. She is one of us who worked hard to have it all, a good family and a really good job when out the blue she is tapped to run as the first Republican Vice Presidential candidate. And if that isn’t a good Disney movie then I don’t know what is.
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