Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Palin Debate

If I were asked to give advice to Sarah Palin before her big debate I would keep it short. That’s it, that’s my advice. To keep it short. To tell Sarah Palin to put a period at the end of her sentence and then not say another word until the next question.

In the few times she has spoken other than from a written speech, Gov. Palin has the tendency to go on and on and on. I don’t know if she is nervous or if she is like some people I know who have never had a silence he couldn’t fill. For whatever reason, she can’t find the period to her sentences and keeps talking until she runs out of steam. And it is when she is rambling on and on that she runs into trouble. I hope her debate coaches spend as much time helping her to know when not to talk as they do helping her with her answers.

And you know what? I would probably give the exact same advice to Sen. Biden, too! The public should be very thankful that there are time constraints on both of them or we could be there all night as the Senator and Governor answer a single question!

I could go on and on with other little criticisms but I will take my own advice. So I will keep this short since I believe that keeping it short is the best directive for me now and for Gov Palin to follow during the debate.

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