I then enjoyed the bio shown about Cindy McCain which put her life into an entirely new perspective. In fact, if she had been a Democrat and not a Republican, I bet the tabloids would be racing to crown her the American Princess Di. She is beautiful, blond, rich, thin, classy and spends her life working with the poor and helpless. But since she is a Republican she will be continuously vilified and destroyed in the press.
Oh I forgot to mention her speech. Someone started to criticize how she delivered her speech. I would have agreed, if I hadn’t heard a broadcaster talk about it before she started. Turns out that the GOP speech writers looked for prior speeches by Cindy McCain so that they could tailor this speech to her style. Only problem, she had never given a major speech or really any kind of speech on politics in her whole life!
So once her children left the stage and Cindy McCain stood there alone, mike in hand and
knowing that millions were watching her give her first major speech, well, of course she was nervous. Her voice was thin at times and it took her a while to get used to the thunderous applause and the even more overwhelming complete silence as they all looked expectantly at her, waiting for her to speak. How intimidating!
Yet given the same environment and with greater consequences, Gov. Palin had earlier given the speech of her night. No hesitations, no nervousness, the complete opposite of Cindy giving a speech. Both were reading speeches others had written for them but one is a natural and the other appeared more comfortable holding a baby than giving a speech. Wait, that is not fair to Sarah who can do both, take care of her baby and family and give a Vice Presidential acceptance speech with equal aplomb.
But back to Cindy McCain. During this convention I really started to warm up to the woman. I hate her more for being thin and blond then I do for being super rich and wearing $300,000 outfits. (Yes I am being sarcastic.) Heck, if my father had worked hard and lived the American dream and left his entire fortune to me, his only child, and I was a size 2 or 0 you bet I would wear designer clothes (only American, of course!) and gorgeous tasteful jewelry. But like Princess Di, Cindy also leads a life using her money trying to help those around the world who need help the most. Good for her!
Now her husband, John McCain, needs her the most. She might never again take center stage as she did during the convention, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see her off to the side of stages in small towns and big, watching her husband. And if she watches him with a Nancy Reagan look of adoration and love rather than a Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton look of annoyance at the husbands, then I won’t complain about that either.
Oh I forgot to mention her speech. Someone started to criticize how she delivered her speech. I would have agreed, if I hadn’t heard a broadcaster talk about it before she started. Turns out that the GOP speech writers looked for prior speeches by Cindy McCain so that they could tailor this speech to her style. Only problem, she had never given a major speech or really any kind of speech on politics in her whole life!
So once her children left the stage and Cindy McCain stood there alone, mike in hand and

Yet given the same environment and with greater consequences, Gov. Palin had earlier given the speech of her night. No hesitations, no nervousness, the complete opposite of Cindy giving a speech. Both were reading speeches others had written for them but one is a natural and the other appeared more comfortable holding a baby than giving a speech. Wait, that is not fair to Sarah who can do both, take care of her baby and family and give a Vice Presidential acceptance speech with equal aplomb.
But back to Cindy McCain. During this convention I really started to warm up to the woman. I hate her more for being thin and blond then I do for being super rich and wearing $300,000 outfits. (Yes I am being sarcastic.) Heck, if my father had worked hard and lived the American dream and left his entire fortune to me, his only child, and I was a size 2 or 0 you bet I would wear designer clothes (only American, of course!) and gorgeous tasteful jewelry. But like Princess Di, Cindy also leads a life using her money trying to help those around the world who need help the most. Good for her!
Now her husband, John McCain, needs her the most. She might never again take center stage as she did during the convention, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see her off to the side of stages in small towns and big, watching her husband. And if she watches him with a Nancy Reagan look of adoration and love rather than a Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton look of annoyance at the husbands, then I won’t complain about that either.
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