Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mac Attack

Ok let’s have a little straight talking. The first part of his speech was borrinngggg….. I know, I know, everybody had been saying that in this speech he needed to give details of what he will do but truthfully? Maybe I shouldn’t admit this but he was losing me as he discussed these “kitchen table” items. All I really need to know are a few things that are at the heart of all Republican beliefs. Does he belief in a small government, in a strong defense and that the court should never deviate from the Constitution? If he believes in this, which he does, then the rest is simply details to be worked out later.

The middle part started to get a little more interesting. For he vowed to continue to reach across the aisle, to work with Democrats, Independents, anyone who can help him get things done. And the delegates applauded. Wow. What a difference from a year ago when he was vilified for breaking away from some of the Republican ideas. But with Gov. Palin appealing to the conservative base then McCain is freed up a bit and perhaps his being his maverick self isn’t a bad idea right now. Maybe some Independents out there will be moved to vote for him this fall. We’ll see.

It was that last third that was terrific. Sure we’ve heard his life story before, but not quite in this way. How being a POW changed him from a selfish hot shot fighter pilot into who he is today. And the whole theme of being a fighter was a winner. It was stirring and emotional and moved the crowds as he concluded on a high note.

But you know what? I can just hear folks talking around the water coolers in the morning saying that it wasn’t a bad speech, but it sure wasn’t a Sarah Palin speech. And that’s ok, too.

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