Sometimes you simply couldn’t make this stuff up. You’ve probably read about this but it bears repeating. The former DNC Chairman, Don Fowler had an interesting conversation while on a flight back from Denver with his seatmate, S.C. Congressman John Spratt. Apparently sitting immediately behind them was a blogger with a phone which had a video camera. And did I mention he was a conservative blogger? Oops.
According to, the two men in the seat in front first trashed newly selected Sarah Palin by calling her a “female Dan Quayle on steroids” and that she is “just terrible” and “has nothing to offer”. Then these Democrats discussed how Hurricane Gustaf will land on the first day of the upcoming RNC Convention. The video shows them laughing with each other as they talk about it and agree that this must mean that “God is on our side”. Wow. I never knew so many religious liberals. Here is the link to the actual blog:
But now here is where reality becomes stranger than fiction. Fowler apologizes by saying he wasn’t serious, that he was being sarcastic. According to CNN, he told the AP that his remarks “were intended to make light of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell's remark that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was God's punishment for abortion and homosexuality”. Huh? Oh sure except that he never mentioned Jerry Falwell, or terrorist attacks or 9/11 or abortion or homosexuality. But other than that, of course, how could we not have made the connection?
And like most people when caught in the wrong, Fowler simply didn’t know when to shut up. As they say, it is the cover up not the crime that gets people in trouble. And the ex-DNC Chairman seems to keep shoving his foot further and further into his mouth as based on the following interview with ABC, “ ‘One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,’ said Fowler. ‘But that's the nature of what we're dealing with’.” Oh so that’s how it works. It’s ok to say something outrageous, just as long as one is not caught and if one is caught then it is the guy who catches one who is at fault. Wow. So the next time a thief is caught, it isn’t his fault for stealing but rather it is the policeman’s fault for catching him.
I meant that last line to be sarcastic but after I wrote it I sadly realized that it actually is happening. People and crooks don't blame themselves for doing something illigal or simply saying something wrong but rather they blame the person who catches them doing it. And that is not funny or ironic or sarcastic. It is simply depressing.

But now here is where reality becomes stranger than fiction. Fowler apologizes by saying he wasn’t serious, that he was being sarcastic. According to CNN, he told the AP that his remarks “were intended to make light of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell's remark that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was God's punishment for abortion and homosexuality”. Huh? Oh sure except that he never mentioned Jerry Falwell, or terrorist attacks or 9/11 or abortion or homosexuality. But other than that, of course, how could we not have made the connection?
And like most people when caught in the wrong, Fowler simply didn’t know when to shut up. As they say, it is the cover up not the crime that gets people in trouble. And the ex-DNC Chairman seems to keep shoving his foot further and further into his mouth as based on the following interview with ABC, “ ‘One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,’ said Fowler. ‘But that's the nature of what we're dealing with’.” Oh so that’s how it works. It’s ok to say something outrageous, just as long as one is not caught and if one is caught then it is the guy who catches one who is at fault. Wow. So the next time a thief is caught, it isn’t his fault for stealing but rather it is the policeman’s fault for catching him.
I meant that last line to be sarcastic but after I wrote it I sadly realized that it actually is happening. People and crooks don't blame themselves for doing something illigal or simply saying something wrong but rather they blame the person who catches them doing it. And that is not funny or ironic or sarcastic. It is simply depressing.
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