One of the first things the convention did on Monday was to give a tribute to President Carter. Everyone saw a nice film about him and then he and his wife came on stage to wave to the crowd. And that was it. No speech for this past president who has become a major liability. Obama already has problems getting the Jewish vote and so he didn’t need for them to see Carter, who has alienated these voters with his strong support of Palestine. So you saw him but did not hear him.
Then there was Teddy. For the first time in his long and sometimes sordid career, everyone came together to give him a wonderful salute. Sure there were a lot of words left unsaid about his past but in this case it was forgivable. As for his speech, I disagreed with just about everything he said and yet still wanted to give him a standing ovation for being able to say it with his old vigor and strength. Plus everyone was choked by the realization that the last of the Kennedy brothers was nearing his end. And when all is said and done, the little brother would have made his big brother’s proud of him and all he accomplished in his 40+ years in the senate.
Michelle Obama was the prime speaker Monday night. Her goal was to present a softer side to herself. As many are saying, she could have tossed her speech and simply had that scene with her little girls and Obama. So much for the man who said he would not use his children. Yeah right. As for her speech, it was ok. Many pointed out what she did not say, such as where she went to college for her post graduate and graduate degrees. I guess ivy league schools didn’t go with her supposed image of a regular person. Michelle also dissed a lot of middle class people when she continuously knocked working for a big corporation. Not everyone can take the pay cut required to work in the public sector.
This next observation may sound racist and if it is, so be it. People have become comfortable with the idea of a black man in the White House. After a year and half of having Obama in the news we are use to him. Plus as Michelle said, Obama seems more exotic than black. Monday night Michelle reminded us that he is black, with a black family. Even that is starting to be a non-issue. Who could not think those little girls are adorable. But here is where there might be an issue. All through her speech there were video clips of her father, mother, brother, friends, etc combined with the camera showing excited and even teary eyed faces in the crowd. And all of these were African American, too. And that starts to get a little uncomfortable. To think that perhaps whites could be the minority in Obama’s administration. So while Michelle’s words might be comforting the accompanying pictures might have been a little disconcerting. But maybe that last picture Monday night of those little girls makes it all seem not only possible but even tolerable.
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