Friday, August 8, 2008

Let the Games Begin!

I love the Olympics. When done right, the opening and closing ceremonies leave me cheering, in awe, and even in tears. I have to admit, though, that in more recent years they have bordered on being bizarre. Sometimes that, too, can be entertaining but too often it is simply weird and ends up as boring. From the little I have heard about this year’s, I have high hopes that it will live up to what the Olympic Opening Ceremonies should be.

This year there is more than just the games happening at the Olympics. Having it in China ensures that it is filled with a lot of political intrigue, military crackdowns, smog and even threats of terrorist acts. Although the latter is almost ironic – due to China’s intolerance of religions, Islamic groups have issued warnings of possible attacks. And as I write this there is news of a possible war in Russia. Wow. War between Israel and Iran, or more demonstrations for democracy in China, yes, but I sure didn’t see a Russia – Georgia war happening now...

Anyway in all of this let’s not forget the games themselves. I end up watching far fewer games then I wanted to but I still have my favorite summer games. Yet as much as I love cheering the American teams, I honestly don’t care about the medal count. Although I gather China is almost maniacal in their desire for the gold. Hmmm. OK so I admit I hope we beat them!

As I so often do, I spent some time browsing left wing blogs. One of the most extreme far left web sites is the Daily Kos. In it I just happened to see a poll asking their readers how much Olympic coverage do they plan to watch. I suppose I should have expected this as liberals and sports don’t really go together yet I was still shocked by these results from nearly 10,000 people taking the poll:
· 37% said they planned to watch “none at all” of the Olympics
· 31% said they will watch “a little”
· 15% will watch “a moderate amount”
· 10% will actually watch “a lot”
· 2% will watch only the opening and closing ceremonies and another 2% don’t know

Wow. Two-thirds (68%) of these liberals will watch a little or none of the Olympic Games. I can understand when the left wing lift their noses at NASCAR and perhaps even football but to plan not to watch any Olympics? That’s just not right. It’s not as if they have to, God forbid, cheer on our country but you’d think they might want to watch soccer or maybe sailing. But I guess not.

I can’t help but think that Obama might have to change that infamous insight into how far left liberals view the rest of the world. Maybe in addition to guns and religion, Obama might also conclude that “bitter small town Americans” also cling to their sports. And not only do we watch the Olympics but we are, gasp, nationalistic and cheer on our fellow Americans to beat those other countries. How barbarian!

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