Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama's Bio

CNN had two interesting features last night; one on McCain and the other on Obama. I am not sure if I learned many new things about Obama but this was the first time I saw his life laid out in a chronological order. It is both impressive and scary. Underneath his friendly demeanor is a man who goes to almost any length not just to win but to undermine his opponents. Based on that CNN show and I have put together a timeline of his life including how he won (or lost) each of his elections. I think this gives a look into his life and what we might expect from him in the future. To help, I have included his age after the year and key political events in his life are in red.

August 1961 – Born to Ann Dunham and Barack Obama
1963 – (2) Parents separated and later divorced
1965 – (4) Ann Dunham marries Lolo Soeturo
1965 – (4) Moves to Jakarta Indonesia with mother and step-father
1966 – (5) Attends Catholic school and then a public Indonesian school
1971 – (10) Obama sent back to Hawaii to live with grandparents and received a scholarship to an exclusive private school
aprox. 1976-1979 (15-18) Uses alcohol, marijuana and cocaine
1979 – (18) – Graduates high school. Goes to Occidental College in LA
1981 – (20) Transfers to Columbia University in NY
1983 – (22) Graduates from college with a degree in political science
1983 – (22) Takes a job with Business International Corp in NY
1985 – (24) Moves to Chicago to be a community organizer. Joined Trinity Church
1988 – (27) Attends Harvard Law school. He is first black editor of Harvard Law Review
1991 – (30) Graduates magna cum laude.
1991 – (30) Moves to Chicago. Works as a civil rights lawyer (where he meets Rezco), heads Project Vote where he has the most successful voter registration drive in Chicago’s history and teaches at University of Law School
1002 – (31) Barack and Michele are married by Reverend Wright
1995 – (34) Writes autobiography Dreams of My Father
1996 – (35) Runs for State Senate against favored incumbent. Found invalid names on opponents nominating petition and knocked the incumbent off the ballet, as well as all three other candidates.
1997 – 2005 – (36 - 41) Illinois State Senator
2000 – (39) Decides to run for Congress against four term incumbent Bobby Rush. Race became personal and nasty. Rush beat him by nearly 2:1.
2000 - (39) Tries to network with leaders at 2000 DNC Convention but not even allowed on the floor.
2000 – (39) Told by many that politics is people not just policies. So he began to cultivate a network including Rev. Wright and Illinois State Senate President
2001-2003 – (40-43) In the Senate, Barack starts to have more bills with his name on them. But he also votes “present” 129 times and wouldn’t commit on controversial votes.
2002 – (41) Begins to run for Senate. Gives speeches opposing the war.
2003-2004 (42-43) In the US Senate race there are unsubstantiated scandals which force both the Republican candidate and the favored Democratic candidate to leave the race. Barack is now the Democratic candidate against a last minute replacement for the Republican candidate – Alan Keyes.
2004 – (43) Gives the keynote speech at Democratic Convention. He then wins the Senate race by a landslide.
2005 – (44) Freshman Senator but with high recognition due to speech yet “like most Senate Freshmen, legislature record is thin”.
2006 – (45) Obama joined partisan group, including McCain to write an Immigration Bill, bill but when it got to the floor he distanced himself from it and voted for amendments favored by labor groups. Bill died in Senate. “Critics said Obama put partisan politics above bipartisan reform.”
2006 – (45) Write second book Audacity of Hope
2007 – (46) Announces candidacy for President

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