Sunday, August 17, 2008

Round One - McCain

A politician is someone who will never allow himself to be pinned down on a specific answer for fear of antagonizing somebody. A lawyer is someone who will analyze both sides of an issue in order to best argue his case. A professor is a professional student constantly learning who in turn will then lecture people, telling them everything he knows on that subject.

Barack Obama is all of the above; a politician, a lawyer and a professor. This became clearly evident in the “debate” last night. When he was asked a question the professor in him wanted to explain everything he knew about the subject while the lawyer in him wanted him to analyze both sides of the issue and the politician side of him would not let him ever give a specific answer. So he would hem and haw, go this way then that way and finally circle around and finish without ever giving a definitive answer.

The few times that Obama did give an answer they were basically non answers. Who did he think were the three wisest people he knew? He said his grandmother and his wife were two of them. Oh gag me with a spoon. Although it does make me wonder how much influence his wife will have if he were to win…

Obama also gave a strong clue as to how he would act as President. He said he would want a table of people who would analyze a situation and give him advice. Again this clearly is the lawyer and professor in him wanting to look at something from every angle. But as recent history has shown, we often don’t have the luxury of time for something like that.

Then there was John McCain. His answers tended to be short, concise and to the point. Although I have never been in the military, I still can’t help but think that this showed his military training. Quickly analyze a situation and give an answer. On the battle field you can’t stand there wondering if you should go this way or that or amassing others opinions while musing about a half dozen factors. By the time you reach a decision or more likely before you even have decided what action is needed you would be dead.

There were times, though, when instead of a brief answer, McCain would tell a personal story that was extremely compelling. What a life! No one can come close to what he experienced while a POW. Plus his years in congress have given him dozens and dozens of stories he can use to illustrate a point. And that is clearly his advantage to being older.

I shouldn’t admit this but perhaps my behavior was not unique. I don’t know. All I do know is that I kept zoning out during Barack Obama’s time. His smooth voice which never really had much change in tone regardless of topic had a tendency to put me to sleep. I found it difficult to stay with him as he talked and talked and talked but rarely gave a clear answer. John McCain, on the other hand, kept me engaged throughout his time. Overall, McCain left me with wanting to hear more while Obama simply left me feeling groggy and tired.

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