Saturday, August 16, 2008

Short Retort

I know that I just watched history as Michael Phelps won his 8th gold medal. I am happy for him and congratulate him on his brilliant showing in the Olympics. And yet a part of me is sorry to see Mark Spitz's seven medals beaten. Not because it is the end of an era but because now there will no longer be a reason to show those wonderful pictures of Mark in his swimsuit. Oh my.... Way back when, Mark Spitz and his poster was to teenage girls what Farrah Faucet was to teenage boys. So goodbye Mark Spitz, but just know that Phelps may have beaten your medal count but no one will ever come close to the impact that you in a swimsuit made on a generation of teenage girls....

And speaking of winning - didn't McCain do a wonderful job tonight? I was worried that he would be overshadowed by Obama but just the opposite seemed to have happened. Where Obama hemmed and hawed, McCain gave strong decisive decisions. Yeah McCain!

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