Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Wright Update

I am sure a lot of people are congratulating Obama on his denunciation of Jeremiah Wright even though it took him more than 24 hours to do so. But before he tries to finally put this to rest there are still a few disturbing questions that have gone unanswered.

What about all those people applauding and cheering Rev. Wright when he gave his speech at the National Press Club? What will they do now that Obama has renounced Wright? And how will the congregation react now that their church is torn between their former pastor and Obama? What about Farrakhan and all of his followers, including the men now guarding Rev. Wright? Since Obama has also denounced Farrakhan what will these members of the Nation of Islam do now? And how can the Senator truly reconcile his denunciations with the fact that he had been a part of Farrakhan’s Million Man March and that his book was named after a sermon by Rev. Wright?

Most of all, I can't help but ask why the change of heart when just a day ago Senator Obama was defending Wright for his earlier hate filled statements? Perhaps it is because in his latest speech Wright betrayed Obama when he said that the Senator is a politician who would say whatever was needed to get elected. Hmmmm. You don't suppose maybe Obama is now being a politician and only dumping Wright because of the strong public reaction against him? It certainly makes you wonder if on this statement maybe the Rev. Wright is right….

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