Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sigh of Relief

Is there anybody else out there giving a big sigh of relief over the Republican’s choice for president? I am not a huge McCain fan but right now I am very glad that Mitt Romney is not the GOP’s presumptive candidate for president. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you….

When you think of Romney what comes to mind? Most people would say things like Mormon, businessman, Governor of Massachusetts and Olympics. Now, what has been headlined in the news over the past week? The 401 children found in that sick extreme Mormon compound in Texas and the debacle over the progress of the Olympic torch.

By no means is Mitt Romney the least bit involved in either of these events. Yet because he is a Mormon and because he helped save the Olympics once he is strongly associated with those two topics. Can you imagine the heat and the questions he and the GOP would be getting if Mitt were the Republican candidate? Whew. And I am afraid that because of recent events Romney shouldn't even be considered for VP. Right now Mormonism is just too big of baggage to carry into the White House.

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