Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Classy Win

My hat’s off to Hillary’s campaign team. Oh sure, everyone knew she was going to win. But it is what happened after the win that impressed me. I went to bed right after her speech and when I woke up there were emails from both the Clinton and Obama campaigns waiting for me.

Barack’s email was pretty much as expected. His campaign wrote that although they lost in PA they still have a commanding lead. It went on to state that they still have to fight a two-prong attack by Clinton and McCain. So guess what? He needs your support right now and to send in at least $25. Typical. Even though he outspent Hillary something like 3-1 and still lost in PA. I guess that although money can’t buy everything it doesn't stop him from needing more…

Then I opened Hillary’s email expecting to read an email about her big win and how they want to keep the momentum going and so need my support and money right now. Except that wasn’t what they wrote. Instead the email first talked about the importance of the win in PA. Then it went on that there will be a lot to do starting tomorrow but for tonight just celebrate the win and ended with a thank you for your support. That was it. No request for money or help of any kind. I am sure that later today or tomorrow I will get another email requesting money but that doesn’t negate that this was a classy gesture. I can’t help but think that this also reflects the new campaign manager now that Mark Penn is gone. Nonetheless for the first time Hillary’s campaign impressed me with this thoughtful and restrained email.

It is all too little too late as Obama has the numbers to win this primary. And yet …. Every time you think the Clintons (husband or wife) is down and out they somehow manage to come back again. About the only sure thing on this day after the PA primaries and Hillary’s win is that the only person celebrating more than she is John McCain!

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