Have you um heard you know um this AP interview with you know Carolyn um Kennedy where um she you know discusses her um quest for the um you know New York Senate seat and why she is um you know um qualified? And they said that Sarah Palin gave lousy interviews! Wow. Where is the outrage over Kennedy’s inane answers much less her rambling unprofessional dialogue?
As painful as it is to listen to Kennedy talk, it is even worse when you read her interview. Perhaps that is why I couldn’t find a transcript of it anywhere on the internet. So I did it myself. But it was well worth transcribing Carolyn Kennedy’s words of wisdoms from this rare interview. Perhaps now it is understandable why she doesn’t give interviews although reading this will make you wonder about those books she has “written”. Anyway, here is the transcript of an interview from potentially the next Senator of New York:
(And if you can’t believe she comes across as stupid and vapid as the above dialogue suggests then hear her for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W85XJADEHxU&feature=mpt%3Atop_stories )
As painful as it is to listen to Kennedy talk, it is even worse when you read her interview. Perhaps that is why I couldn’t find a transcript of it anywhere on the internet. So I did it myself. But it was well worth transcribing Carolyn Kennedy’s words of wisdoms from this rare interview. Perhaps now it is understandable why she doesn’t give interviews although reading this will make you wonder about those books she has “written”. Anyway, here is the transcript of an interview from potentially the next Senator of New York:
“You know I think really um this is sort of a unique moment both in our you knowOh silly me! Of course I now understand why she should be selected as the next Senator of New York! If somebody drops off a couple of hundred signs then I suppose that you have to run, right? As for her qualifications, she has clearly thought through why she should be Senator. Well, maybe not. But let’s be fair to her. How could she possibly have known that somebody would actually ask her to explain why she should have that Senate seat? What nerve! She is Carolyn Kennedy and if she says she wants something then she gets it! And now she has decided to “serve the public” which I suppose is her version of noblesse oblige by helping the little people of New York. So stop asking her silly questions about being qualified and take back those ridiculous requests about her financial statements and give her the Senate seat she demands. For she is royalty and if you don’t know that, Ms. Kennedy and her liberal political and journalistic sycophants certainly do! Groveling may be optional but give her the NY Senate seat as she demands and no more questions!
in our country’s history and in in in you know in my own life. And um you know
we are facing you know unbelievable challenges uh our economy, you know health
care, people are losing their jobs here in NY obviously um particularly you know
families are hurting, education is tough um and so um you know um for me um I’ve
grown up here, I’ve lived here all my life, I love New York and and um {pause}
you know I’m going into politics is something that people have asked me about
forever. Even when I first just thought it in my own mind, you know I got you
know people come up to me on the street, on the subway and just this morning
walking over here on the subway and um you know they are like go for it you know
we are rooting for you. Somebody dropped off 200 signs at my husband’s office
two weeks ago uhm and so you know I thought well ok I really ought to take this
seriously this is really an incredible opportunity and um and you know there are
issues I really care about that are going to come up now. I, I come into this
thinking I have to work twice as hard as anybody else and this is nobody is
entitled to anything and certainly not certainly not me and um there are many
qualified people in this and so um you know I I am an unconventional choice I
understand that. I haven’t pursued the traditional path but I think that um in
our public life today you know we are starting to see that there are many ways
into public life and public service and its not um as you know all our
institutions are less um hierarchical than they use to be and so you know I
think that you know I bring you know my life experiences to this and you
know that includes um you know being a mother um you know I understand sort of
those choices women make that includes being a lawyer and written seven best
selling books you know two on the constitution um you know anthologies about
American history, and values, political courage, you know and I’ve really tried
to encourage people to go into public service.”
(And if you can’t believe she comes across as stupid and vapid as the above dialogue suggests then hear her for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W85XJADEHxU&feature=mpt%3Atop_stories )