Thursday, November 13, 2008

Life Imitating Articles

Ok this is weird. After finishing my two-part blog I turned on the TV while I read other articles on the net. I wasn’t paying much attention until I heard the following statement “Some firms need to be allowed to fail so that other firms can be allowed to succeed.” What did this guy just say? Wow. This is exactly the same thing I had just concluded. I had to hear more and thanks to Tee Vo I could back up the program and listen to the entire interview.

I have never heard of the man who was interviewed, Jeb Hensarling, a Congressman from Texas, but I certainly like what he said. To paraphrase him, he said that a lot of industries are struggling today so why should we bail out some and not others. Plus the federal government is becoming the lender of last resort and that the plan could fundamentally change the role of government in America.

As for Detroit, Congressman Hensarling continued, “they are producing high cost products that consumers don’t want to buy and so now we have Washington on the verge of giving them a bailout simply because we’ve all heard of them and they have high priced lobbyists in Washington.” He went on to add that “it is the small business people, they’re the ones that create the jobs around America and that with the $50 billion that’s aimed at Detroit, the average small business is capitalized with $25,000, you could create two million new small businesses in America. If you’re going to dole out money to somebody dole it out to small businesses. Don’t dole it out to a failing Detroit”. Towards the end of the interview he reiterated his belief that you need to allow people and companies to fail so that they can learn how to succeed and that government is hurting not helping with the bail outs.

I like this guy! He talks like a true Republican, someone who believes in small government and laissez faire policies. The Republican Party is looking for new, fresh faces and I think this is a man to watch. And I am not the only one who thinks this. To find out more about him I went to his website,, which states that he has won a number of awards and recognitions for his conservative stands including being recognized as the “Best and Brightest” in 2007 by the American Conservative Union. I agree. So remember that name, Jeb Hensarling, a man who I truly hope continues to have a bright future in Washington.

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