What provoked The Question was a conversation about the latest news. My friend was unaware that in addition to Obama’s “spread the wealth” response to Joe the Plumber, there is now a newly discovered tape on this subject from 2001. In this interview, Obama not only talks about redistributing the wealth, he says it was a “tragedy” that the civil unrest of the 60’s didn’t address this issue. Based on this it is hard not to wonder if Obama is a socialist.
We weren’t the only ones with questions and I filled my friend in on the latest news about this. He knew about Barbara West, a local anchorwoman, who in an interview with Biden dared to ask if Obama was a Marxist. But my friend hadn’t heard that Biden also didn’t answer a local station in Philly where he was later interviewed and asked a similar question.
Based on this information, we discussed how Obama’s actions are becoming more and more disconcerting. First Obama supporters tried to thoroughly discredit and trash Joe the Plumber. It was bad enough when they went after Palin, but at least she is a public figure. But Joe was a citizen who simply asked a question. Yet his life may never be the same after the horrible treatment by the press and Obama supporters. As for the two TV stations which dared to openly question if Obama is a socialist? Both stations have been banned from further contact with Obama until at least the election.
The fact that Obama has expressed his true socialistic ideology in the past combined with the silencing the journalists who dared to question Obama or Biden about this caused my Democrat friend to ask The Question. “Why didn’t we know about this earlier?”
Of course it was hard not to be angry and frustrated by The Question. I couldn’t help but get a little heated when I answered him by saying “We didn’t know this earlier because no one was looking! The media has been so enamored of Obama that they never investigated him. Why did the NY Times dig through Facebook to locate friends of the McCain’s daughter in order to find dirt on Cindy McCain when she was addicted to prescription drugs years ago? And yet no one has dared to interview any of Obama’s high school or college friends to ask about Obama doing coke as a teenager.” My friend simply replied “Valid point,” For what else is there to say?
History has shown that almost every government take over begins with silencing the media. Up until recently, this wasn’t a problem because the media never asked any tough questions. In fact it was the mainstream media who attacked anyone who didn’t like Obama. But now the true side of Obama is showing. And it is very scary. And yet how many TV stations, radio channels or newspapers will Obama ban before journalists finally wake up? And when they do, will it be too late?
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