Sunday, December 14, 2008

Intoducing Lorena Mae

I am very happy to announce the start of a new blog; Lorena Mae at

I grew up reading Erma Bombeck and have always wanted to try to write a column in the same vein as hers. Unfortunately, as my brother once pointed out, unlike Bombeck's mother and housewife persona, my life is more like the one found in Bridget Jones's Diary with a strong dose of Dr. House's personality. Too true. So all I can say is that my new Lorena Mae blog will be where I can write about anything other than politics. And don't worry, I will continue PC Fugitive for even after the election there appears to be a never ending supply of political and business stories! Links to each blog are at the right side of both pages.

Both blogs are now available at If you haven't been there recently you need to visit it as the site is growing by leaps and bounds. Lorena Mae will be featured in the Women's Voices - she's the one in the purple hat! PC Fugitive is in the main line up as well as in the Conservative section. I hope you will enjoy both PC Fugitive and Lorena Mae. Thank You!

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