Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chicago Shenanigans

The more I hear about the Illinois scandal the more I can see how it all happened. The Governor can give the vacant Senator’s seat to anyone and for any reason. He is given absolute power to pick whomever he likes so perhaps it is no wonder that this led to corruption and felony arrests. Think about it. I assumer that there are a number of men and women who are qualified for the job and probably more who aren’t but would still like that prestigious title of Senator. So who should he give it to and how does he decide who gets it?

At some point I can see where he might think that the Senator’s seat is “a f*ing valuable thing, you just don’t give it away”. Whoever he chooses to be Senator will make a lot of money not to mention have a lot of power. Apparently he even thought of appointing himself so he could grab it all. Instead he begins to wonder why not get some of the money now by selling the Senator’s seat to the highest bidder.

What really gets to me are all the politicians who are expressing outrage and horror at what Gov. Blagojevich has said. Yeah right. Like politicians have never sold their favors to somebody before. I was going to say that this is just bigger in scope then the usual political job given to somebody with deep pockets or rich relatives until I thought of all the Ambassadorships and even Cabinet posts given to big contributors. What hypocrites!

The real crime committed by the Illinois Governor is that he not only talked out loud but even bragged about his intentions and then got caught. Actually he should be arrested if for no other reason than for being a complete idiot. If only he had kept his mouth shut he probably could have made a small fortune by quietly selling off the Senator’s seat with everyone looking the other way. I can’t help but think about that epitome of Chicago corruption, old Mayor Daley. Oh how he must be spinning in his grave at the ineptitude of the current crop of sleazy Illinois politicians!

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