I don’t believe in conspiracies. I think Kennedy was killed by just one man, Elvis is truly dead and the idea of little men from outer space is nothing but man’s wish that we aren’t alone. And yet…..
I can’t help but wonder if the economic crisis suddenly becomes resolved if Obama is elected next month. The housing crisis is real but the rest of it is fueled by emotions and fear. Could this mood of impending doom have been created by people who want Obama in office? How is it that all of a sudden major companies we are all familiar with are declaring bankruptcy at the same time? Why is it that the Stock Market is swinging out of control and people are losing their life savings? Is it truly coincidental to the upcoming election? Could it possibly be influenced by people who know that Democrats always do better in economic bad times and therefore they are creating this crisis to ensure Obama’s victory?
Maybe I am being paranoid but here are a few more thoughts running through my head. When the gas prices increased, everyone cried out how terrible that is and that it’s entirely the fault of big oil and Republicans. Yet the media has barely noticed that in the past week gas prices have had their biggest decline in years. In addition, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate was unchanged with 6.1% in August and September. That doesn’t sound too bad to me and actually is at the same rate as five years ago but nobody was yelling recession back then.
Today everyone is saying we are in a recession and I really do believe that a lot of it is psychological. If you heard every night on the evening news that times were bad it would eventually get to you and affect your behavior. For example, people start to cut back on dinners out which in turn hurts restaurants. When a restaurant then goes bankrupt everyone will then knowingly nod and say “See it is a recession.” Americans are very nervous about their future savings and retirement and are behaving accordingly. But who made everyone this nervous?
By the way, has anybody else noticed that there has been no coverage of Iraq at all recently? I also don’t think anybody has mentioned “terror” or “terrorist” except McCain’s campaign because you sure don’t hear it on the news lately. This is somewhat the media’s fault for not covering it but perhaps the terrorists are holding off on attacks because they want us to elect Obama.
Am I going a bit overboard in seeing conspiracies where none exist? Or am I just saying what a lot of people are thinking – that maybe, just maybe this financial crisis was caused to help elect Obama. Not to forget the idea that the Islamic radicals are waiting until Obama is in power before attacking again. And if his “supporters” around the world can do all of this then what else could they do if he gets in power as the President?
I can’t help but wonder if the economic crisis suddenly becomes resolved if Obama is elected next month. The housing crisis is real but the rest of it is fueled by emotions and fear. Could this mood of impending doom have been created by people who want Obama in office? How is it that all of a sudden major companies we are all familiar with are declaring bankruptcy at the same time? Why is it that the Stock Market is swinging out of control and people are losing their life savings? Is it truly coincidental to the upcoming election? Could it possibly be influenced by people who know that Democrats always do better in economic bad times and therefore they are creating this crisis to ensure Obama’s victory?
Maybe I am being paranoid but here are a few more thoughts running through my head. When the gas prices increased, everyone cried out how terrible that is and that it’s entirely the fault of big oil and Republicans. Yet the media has barely noticed that in the past week gas prices have had their biggest decline in years. In addition, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate was unchanged with 6.1% in August and September. That doesn’t sound too bad to me and actually is at the same rate as five years ago but nobody was yelling recession back then.
Today everyone is saying we are in a recession and I really do believe that a lot of it is psychological. If you heard every night on the evening news that times were bad it would eventually get to you and affect your behavior. For example, people start to cut back on dinners out which in turn hurts restaurants. When a restaurant then goes bankrupt everyone will then knowingly nod and say “See it is a recession.” Americans are very nervous about their future savings and retirement and are behaving accordingly. But who made everyone this nervous?
By the way, has anybody else noticed that there has been no coverage of Iraq at all recently? I also don’t think anybody has mentioned “terror” or “terrorist” except McCain’s campaign because you sure don’t hear it on the news lately. This is somewhat the media’s fault for not covering it but perhaps the terrorists are holding off on attacks because they want us to elect Obama.
Am I going a bit overboard in seeing conspiracies where none exist? Or am I just saying what a lot of people are thinking – that maybe, just maybe this financial crisis was caused to help elect Obama. Not to forget the idea that the Islamic radicals are waiting until Obama is in power before attacking again. And if his “supporters” around the world can do all of this then what else could they do if he gets in power as the President?
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