Have you heard about the Teleprompter blog? A very clever person has created a blog done in the first person from Obama's teleprompter. Yes, his teleprompter. Obama is so dependent on his teleprompter that it has quickly become a joke. So now his teleprompter is speaking out about his new best friend. Perhaps what makes this so funny is that it is the first time since Obama has begun campaigning that anyone has come close to rediculing the man. Up until this, it has been almost taboo to say anything bad about the President much less to make fun of him. So it is refreshing, although illiminating, that the first person to poke redicule at Obama is doing so under the cover of his teleprompter. So if you haven't seen this and need to start off the weekend with a chuckle try out this website which I have now posted at the rightside along with the other recommended blogs.
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