Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two for One

This past week, two different news items caught my attention.

First, as a Floridian, I was obviously interested in what my idiot governor, Charlie Crist, did this past week. You may think you know the story but here is an interesting timeline. Two weeks ago, Governor Crist vetoed a popular Republican bill that would have tied teachers pay to student achievements (thanks Debbie for reminding me of this). If he had passed it then teachers were planning sit ins and sick outs and all kinds of disturbances to show their anger to {gasp} being held accountable but since he vetoed the bill then the happy teachers, well, just wait a moment. For the next thing Crist did was to lie to the world.

Everybody knows that he sat there and told reporters over and over and over again that he would not run as an Independent. That he was a Republican and would stay with his party. The only problem is that his party left him in droves to support Marco Rubio; with Crist as much as 20 points behind the popular newcomer. Now Charlie had two choices. He could have dropped out and thrown his support to Rubio. Then in the next two years build a base of moderates from both sides which would put him in a good position to compete for the other Senatorial seat. It might even place him in contention as a VP or perhaps Presidential candidate in 2012. But no, Charlie isn’t that farsighted or patient, for he actually announces that he is going to run as an Independent.

No apologies to Floridians for lying, no remorse for turning his back on his party. Instead he says this change is for the people of Florida. Yeah, right, the polls showing he had a chance of winning the senate seat if he ran as an Independent had nothing to do with his reversal of position. Now back to that veto… within hours of his announcement there was an ad by the teachers union backing Crist. So we know what his price was. The only problem is that Charlie has completely alienated Republicans and his boldfaced lying has even turned off Independents. He has destroyed his relationship with Republican leaders and Democrats don’t want him either. Obama may have hugged him but rumor has it that the White House won't take his calls. After what Crist has done, he will be lucky if he one day ends up as Superintendent of Schools. But Senator? I don’t think so.

The second news item that caught my attention is truly outrageous. On Thursday, Tehran’s police chief announced that they will start arresting suntanned women and even men this time in an effort, according to RadioVoice, to cleanse “social misbehavior by women, and men, who defy our Islamic values.” How ironic that also on Thursday Iran was appointed to the UN Commission on Women’s Rights. What does that say about the UN? And I shudder to think what will happen to women around the world now.

Unbelievably, the United States (ie. Obama) did not object to Iran becoming a part of the Commission on Women’s Rights. However the government does object to Rev. Franklin Graham’s remarks criticizing the Muslim religion for their treatment of women. You see, Graham has an issue with Muslim's doing little things like stoning women, the complete lack of basic rights or now even persecuting women with a suntan. Because of Graham’s remarks he was disinvited to a Pentagon prayer event and his invitation to speak at a May 6 National Prayer Day at Capital Hill might also be rescinded. How very wrong is this world? And why aren’t U.S. women standing with Graham in outrage of all of this?

(Hmmm. Here’s a last thought – what if we were to send Charlie Crist to visit Iran. Maybe the Tehran police would then arrest the
perpetually suntanned governor and get him out of Florida politics for good?)

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