Helping the less fortunate is at the core of every civilized nation and every modern religion. The problem, however, is that we have become too large and have lost the community feeling whereby neighbor helped neighbor and so the government must step in. Government is always unwieldy and it doesn’t help that we have a growing population of people who choose to be poor and demand government help. Combined these two problems are emptying our treasury and dividing our country.
I’ve counted five different groups of these poor people who are draining our national wealth.

The final two groups are those who we should be helping; people who are physically or mentally unable to work and the elderly. Ironically many in these groups would like to work, even if for a few hours a week because an extra hundred dollars every month might mean putting the thermostat to a more reasonable level. But the system is set up such that if they work even for a few hours then they might lose all of their government assistance.
What is the solution? Obama wants to spread the wealth but our “poor” are so numerous that paying for the slackards will bankrupt this country. No matter what promises the President

President Obama, I have a solution to this growing problem and my idea can be summed up in one sentence – With the exception of the ill and elderly, everyone else who takes government money must work. Period. And the details of my plan are equally simple. If after a year of being

The key to my proposal is Americorp and something Obama should like – community organizations. I don’t know how either currently operates but I see Americorp setting up in every medium sized community and in every depressed area. Each local Americorp facility would initially set up two businesses; a cafeteria and a day care center. The cafeteria would offer healthy but inexpensive breakfasts and dinners to the poor and their families while the day care center would watch over the children when the poor start working. Of course both of these enterprises would need to hire people thus already creating work for the poor.
Next, my new Americorp would target every farm, factory and other business which hires

If an able bodied poor person continuously refuses these job offers then their government handouts will be taken away. It's that cut and dried. Yes I can hear liberals shouting that we would be penalizing the poor children. First, their logic is faulty, it is the lazy parent who is at fault and second, I could see Americorp allowing these families to eat at the cafeteria thereby making sure the children still get healthy meals. And don't even dare try the argument that we would be separating babies from their mothers since this is exactly what working mothers must do every day.
Finally, for the college educated, I would create a fast track to get them teaching at our schools. Now that I think about it, the local Americorp should start a third business; hiring the educated unemployed men and women to act as tutors and mentors for the children of the poor. The ultimate goal is to stop the cycle of poor and the first step is to educate the children. Actually, the educated poor could also mentor and help the undereducated poor adults, too. They could teach these adults not just in school subjects but in everything from cooking healthy to managing a budget to proper etiquette when applying for a job. If there are no other jobs available and yet someone getting unemployment money refuses to take one of these Americorp jobs then they, too, would lose their government handouts. Or they could simply not apply for government money if they know they won't take a government Americorp job.

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