How boring. They sound like a bunch of smug teenagers who just discovered that their parents and the rest of the people in church don’t always follow the 10 commandments or Jesus’ teachings. Duh. Guess what? People are human and don’t always do what is right. I have a friend who refuses to go to church because as a teenager he realized that the congregation wasn’t perfect. But just like the liberals he misses the whole point. It is because people are imperfect that they turn to the church.
For Christians it is pretty much a stacked deck against you. Even the most saintly among us

This same idea should be applied to the Republican Party and its embracement of family values and morals. They might not always follow these values and even have some members blatantly disregard them but it doesn’t mean they should turn their backs on family values. What I don’t understand is if you aren’t for family values and morals then what are you for? Is that the real purpose of the mainstream media? To tear down these values so that we become an anything goes kind of country with no moral compass to help show the way?
I also wonder if many liberals identify family values and morals with Christian/Judaism teachings. Where else would these values come from? Is this what bothers liberals so much? That Republicans do cling to their religion and believe that their faith is what provides their guidelines of values and morals? Is the hidden agenda of the liberals to ridicule churches and religion? You can’t help but wonder if liberals simply despise Christians and Jews because they believe in something to help them in their lives other than government. Hmmm, wasn’t that the aim of communism?; To take away religion and replace it with dependency of government?

Although Atheist Churches are a fairly new concept before these monstrosities there was the Unitarian Church. The Unitarian Church’s website states that “Unitarian Universalists include people who identify as Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and others.” Isn't there a saying that if you believe in everything then you believe in nothing? Sounds like it would apply here. The website then has a page specifically for Pagans which states “There are many Wiccans, witches and Pagans and people with earth based spiritulaties who lead and worship in Unitarian congregations”. Excuse me? It sounds like the start of a bad joke – a Catholic, a Jew and a Witch walked into a bar….
So is this what the liberals are trying to do to the Republican’s morals and family values? To twist these ideas into something they are not just as they twisted the idea of church and faith into something grotesque? It has become commonplace for liberals to blame religion for the problems in the world. And they are quick to point out all of the wars caused by religion. But can you imagine the anarchy and chaos if there was no religion, no morals, no family values? This country was founded by men of Christian/Judaism beliefs, what if we had become a nation of men who have no morals or family values and therefore have no comprehension of what is evil? There is a word for a man like that – sociopath. Is that what liberals want?
The bottom line is that Republicans must continue to stand for their family values and morals.

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